Real Name:Eathan Chin
In Game Name(s): Eathan
Age: 15
Sex: Male
Timezone: GMT+8
How would you rate your English? (1-10): 9
Other Languages: Mandarin , Malay
What do you think are important qualities of a GM?: The most important quality of a gm are FAIR, NON RACIAL, RESPONCIBILITY TOWARD A TASK GIVEN AS A GMS.
Have you had previous GM experience on a Maple storys server?: YES
If yes, details: 3 server ( LippsMS (GMS), ChosenMS(ADMIN) & HotMs/ HotStory (HEAD ADMIN) )
How much time can you commit to the server during the week?: Can say the whole day excluding exam,vacation and sleeping time.
How much time a day on vacations/weekends?: The Whole day
How would you describe yourself as an overall person?: Outgoing person, funny, and i like to socialize among with frens and making new friends is one of my talent. I think about being nice to people is not a problem to me unless that person is a rude one. smile
How long have you been playing private servers or Normal Maple storys?: 2 year MAPLESEA and 1 and a half year private server. Its not a problem for me because i know every of the maple world and gm commands is a piece of cake to me.