Welcome to ToiletStory
Welcome to ToiletStory~~
I'm Owner of ToiletStory and Our server will update more so you guys can have fun~~
Do not forget to Vote for our Sever every 12 hours~~
Now that you are in ToiletStory you probably wont know what to do. So here are a few things to get you started =D.
1. Always follow the rules:
1.NO Hacking
2.Respect other players and GM's.
3.Dont spam the forum.
4.Dont bug the GM's for free stuffs.
5.If you need help from one of our GM's. Please feel free to ask.
2.Server is auto-register. So dont go looking for a register page.
3.Dont ask to be a GM. You will have your chance when we open applications
4.Hamachi Server is needed from ToiletStory to ToiletStory05 currently.
Password is all 123 ! Remember case sensetive
Have fun in ToiletStory